How to set up Wi-Fi connection for a Canon Printer

After the power was restored after a planned outage for maintenance, some of the electronic devices at home need to be set up again, such as the clocks need to be corrected.

Another device to be fixed might be your printer that is usually connected through family Wi-Fi network. Continue reading “How to set up Wi-Fi connection for a Canon Printer”

書緣:淘書偶得 – Unix,DEC,Sun,Agnews

書緣:淘書偶得 – Unix,DEC,Sun,Agnews

以前寫過一篇「書緣:歷史的邂逅」,講的是在Book Sale上見到兩本書的舊主人(彭炎光)過去的故事。

那天,在Los Altos購得幾本與本地歷史有關的「舊書」。另外,還有一本業界前輩Gordon Bell/Allen Newell合著的「Computer Structures: Readings and Examples」(精裝本,1971),品相非常好,歷經五十年,幾如新書,標價$1。 Continue reading “書緣:淘書偶得 – Unix,DEC,Sun,Agnews”


「作者按:原文於二零一一年十月十二日發布在新浪博客,今不存。原有『題前的話』,字云:『在京的那幾日,就住在清華園。闊別母校多年,不免要故地重游一番。除了拜訪幾位老師,清華禮堂前後是要去看的。因路上曾帶著一本「人間詞話」(校匯本),就先去看了看靜安先生紀念碑。』,及若干圖片和註釋。再後,金陵流丹兄北上遊玩,有『暑假京津十絕』,行者和有『壬辰九月十六讀流丹兄暑假京津十絕因題四首』,其二曾綴於『衝浪集』(絕句篇):『早將舊曲易新歌,三絕碑前清冷過。接踵依然學堂在,閒人看比故人多。』,誠當時之寫照也。遙想當年,不勝感慨。今擷取正文,刪去註釋,列於此,算是『三絕碑前清冷過』的一個小注。」 Continue reading “舊文:清華園內的「海寧王靜安先生紀念碑」”

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